Every company needs a firm and responsible sustainability strategy for successful development. There are several reasons why it is important for a company to implement sustainability strategy:
All the above-mentioned aspects also contribute to the long-term successful growth, profitability and value expansion of the company. We advise companies that are ready to become more transparent. We aid in the development of both sustainability strategies and sustainability reports. We help to determine the material aspects of sustainability and to develop detailed solutions for each of the most important ESG aspects.
Esam neatkarīgs līdzekļu pārvaldītājs, kas piedāvā caurspīdīgus ieguldījumu risinājumus un palīdz klientiem sasniegt savus ieguldījumu mērķus. Mūsu pakalpojumi ir ērts un drošs veids, kā ieguldīt savu kapitālu vadošajos pasaules uzņēmumos.
All employees who advise companies on sustainability have obtained certification in the respective field. They have either EFFAS Certified ESG Analyst® (CESGA) or CFA ESG Certificate.
Since 2010, Alphinox has been actively applying ESG standards in investing, carefully analyzing companies’ reports and results on sustainability. The set of knowledge and experience allows us to develop the most suitable solutions for the company operating in every industry, helping to develop or improve the sustainability strategy and prepare sustainability reports.
Alphinox facilitates the preparation of an ESG report based on thorough analysis and collaboration with the company. The company is to develop ESG metrics, which would be measured. ESG factors would be integrated in company’s daily operations.
We help to define the reporting plan (what kind of data will be communicated, how and whom), ensuring compliance with internationally recognized standards for non-financial reporting and other regulatory provisions recognized as best practice.
Alphinox helps to choose tools and to develop processes around data collection, management and analysis (including advice on reporting systems) to efficiently collect and manage your company’s ESG data.
• ISO 9001 Quality management system
• ISO 14001 Environmental management system
• ISO 14064 Greenhouse gases
• ISO/TR 14073 Environmental management – water footprint
• ISO 26000 Guidance on social responsibility
• ISO 27001 Information security management systems
• ISO 37001 Anti-Bribery Management
• ISO 45001 Occupational health and safety (OH&S) management system
• SA8000 Social accountability management
• Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI)
• Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
• International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC)
• Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB)
• Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)
• EU Taxonomy
European Commission has proposed a new standard for corporate sustainability reporting (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive – CSRD), which will enter into force in 2023. The goal of CSRD is the transition to a more sustainable economy. The CSRD introduces certain amendments to the Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD), which currently regulates sustainability reporting in a much broader and more comprehensive manner, based on ESG (environmental, social and governance) aspects. The following timeline is set for the preparation of sustainability reports:
Alphinox offers companies to prepare in time to comply with the upcoming non-financial reporting regulations. We provide consultancy both in the development of sustainability strategy and in preparations of reports.