Who we are

Alphinox Quality AS is a licensed Investment Firm and supervised by The Bank of Latvia. Alphinox is a sister company of the Swiss based asset management company Hérens Quality Asset Management AG, which has been providing professional services to individual and institutional investors in Switzerland and Germany for over 15 years.

By combining investment expertise and long-term experience in analyzing global financial markets, we are able to offer effective and individually tailored investment solutions to both retail and institutional clients in the Baltics and the European Union.

Our investment decisions are based on in-house research using proven analytical tools that include both qualitative and quantitative as well as big-data solutions. As an independent service provider with experienced investment professionals, we are interested in offering the best products for each client at reasonable cost.

Board of Directors

Dmitrijs Bauļins

Diego Föllmi

Ainārs Ozols

Partners and members of the Executive Management

Dr. Jūlija Bistrova

Jānis Libeks

Andrejs Tumanovs

Jeļena Daha


Ieva Kuzņecova

Krista Eriņa

Jeļena Dmitrijeva

Staņislavs Kuļšs

Līva Janevica